Educational Institute Management Softwere in Bangladesh

Do you want your school to rank high as one of the best in terms of management? Then get our School,
College and University Management Software. This software is designed to make administrators more
efficient in handling their students and boost the academic performance of the students. It also gives parents
access to reports about their children’s performance in school. Our School-College – University Software is
very simple to use. It enables management to give equal attention to all students and also send notifications
to parents at home. Parents do not need to visit the school premises to know how their kids are doing or to
get important information like resumption date and others. The software allows administrators to send SMS
or mail to parents, students, and also to teachers. No matter the size or number of students you are handling,
this software will make things easy for you to manage. You can also track the attendance of students and
publish school news on the News Board Section for all to see. Our software also brings you closer to your
students and parents. It allows administrators to communicate with other users by sending private

Why we are the best?

We offer the best ICT solutions for every business, organization or group.
Our software is also customized according to the needs of our clients, and we have experienced and welltrained developers who are eager to make things happen faster for you. Our main aim has always been to
make all our clients happy by making their businesses grow. That is why we create software that is very
fast, reliable, easy to understand, and can also work effectively on mobile devices

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Why we are best
system overview

System Overview

We offer the best ICT solutions for every business, organization or group.
Our software is also customized according to the needs of our clients, and we have experienced and welltrained developers who are eager to make things happen faster for you. Our main aim has always been to
make all our clients happy by making their businesses grow. That is why we create software that is very
fast, reliable, easy to understand, and can also work effectively on mobile devices

Features of the Education Management Software:

Dashboard Admin & Super
Admin Module

Administrator Teacher Staff/ Accounts Parents/
Student (Parents Dashboard).
Institute Configuration Branch Configuration,
Unlimited Branch Adding Facility SMS Settings,
Session Configuration Medium Configuration,
(Bangle, English, Arabic) Class Configuration,
Section Configuration Group Configuration,
Subject Configuration.

Admission Management

Online Admission Form,
Online Admission with Payment Gateway,
Exam Pass Candidate List,
Applicant Sorting,
Admission Exam Marks Entry,
Admission Payment Confirmation,
Applicant Student Confirmation.

Student Module

Profile, Advising, Payment, Exam Result,
Class Routine , Admit Card,
Vie Notice / Exam Routine Semester Wise Payment,
Generation Semester Fee Receive,
Payment Confirmation for Exam Student Admission,
System Current Student List (Active & Inactive),
Current Student Search Student Switch Process.

Student Migration Process, Print Student ID Card, Print Student Testimonial, Archive Student List Reports.

Parents Modules

Student Admission,
School Schedules Attendance Record,
Performance Measurement,
Notice Board,
Homework Details.

Teachers Module

Student Advising ,Teacher Assigning, Class
Routine ,Advising Approval, Semester Fees
Generation, Assign Course Teacher / Examiner
Attendance Mark Configure.

Class Routine Module

Admission Regulation Configuration, Online
Admission From Integrated With Website,
Open Admission for Classes (For allowed Selective
Class Admission Going on), Applicant/ Student List,
Admission Admit Card Print, Final Admission

Library Module

Student, Staff, Admin logins.
Creation and management of an individual book.
Book List with complete information.
Books issue, Re issue, return process, and acquisitions
(ordering, receiving, and invoicing materials).
Greater user interaction incorporating tagging and
reader reviews.
Issuing membership cards.
Send e-alerts on due dates of return/new arrivals.
Barcode/ Smartcard integration and printing.
Mention the different languages of each book, CDs,
clippings, drawings, films or any other form of media.

Result & Testominual

Grade Points Setting, We can Configure Grade
Pints Each Class, Exam Terms Setting Exam
Sub Terms (Class Test, Midterm Test), Exam Part
Setting (Written, MCQ, Practical), Assign Exams
With Class & Exam Terns, Working Days Setting,
Result Settings, Exam Eligibilities Setting, Exam
Attendance, Marks Entry(Exam), Student Result

All Kind Of MIS as Per

Manage Course ,Academic Calendar, Student
Enrollment Assign Mark. All kinds of MIS Reports, Full Standard
Accounting Reports are available is this system.

Examination Module

Grade Points Setting, We can Configure Grade
Pints Each Class, Exam Terms Setting, Exam
Sub Terms (Class Test, Midterm Test), Exam Part
Setting (Written, MCQ, Practical), Assign Exams
With Class & Exam Terns, Working Days Setting,
Result Settings

Accounts Module

Allowance, Sheet Deduction, Sheet Pay Slip,
Bank Sheet, Loan Report.

SMS Portal Module

Groups Creation & Number Uploading Option,
Send SMS to Student Class wise or single, Send SMS
to Employee, Student Attends & Absent SMS

Hostel Management Module

Hostel information,
Assigning of hostel, room, bed to students.
Room registration and bed allotment.
Assigning vacated rooms.
Enhanced security through RFID/Biometric/Smart
Room transfer within hostel.
Monitor visitors’ entry.
Robust ansd Stable.
Error free and effective.
Hostel inmate management.
Monitor entry/exits.
Mess/inventory management.

Inventory managements

Issue Items , Add Items & Stock ,Items Category ,
Items Store , Items Supplier.

Transportation Module

Routes, Vehicles, Assign Vehicle, Students Transport

Payroll Managements

Present Report, Absent Report, Leave Report,
Weekend & Holyday Report, Punch report,
Attendance Report, Late Report, Income Statement
Notes of The Accounts, Employee Information Salary
Debit Voucher, Credit Voucher,
Salary Setting, Salary Process, Salary Sheet with
pay slip and without pay slip, Allowance Sheet,
Deduction Sheet, Pay Slip & Bank Sheet, Increment
Setup, Increment Disbarment, Increment Adjust
with Salary Setting.

Website Package Information (Integrated)

✓ Online Admission System, Integrated with Software
✓ Admission News & Admission From Download Option
✓ Full Website Bangle & English
✓ Headmaster & Precedent Speechs
✓ Faculty/ Teachers & Board of Director Information
✓ News Update & Notice Board
✓ Academic Calendar & Class/Exam Routine
✓ Important & Useful Link
✓ Download option for Applicant Demo Copy
✓ Online Result Publishing System
✓ Multimedia Class Content Download Option
✓ Google Map & Facbook Page Interrogation System
✓ General Information Page
✓ Recent Activities Publication Facility
✓ On Page SEO Facility, Off Page SEO Recommendation
✓ Dynamic Page no: Unlimited Page
✓ Flash Banner option with Unlimited Banner picture
✓ Photo & Video Gallery
✓ Dynamic Menu Management
✓ Basic Information Update Option
✓ Website Contact From
✓ Professional unique design having control of changing site content without IT knowledge.
✓ Manage Images from within system admin Panel.
✓ Webmail Gateway: Unlimited e-Mail ID
✓ Customize Design and many more.

Product Facility

✓ Unlimited number of users.
✓ User Interface.
✓ Access from anywhere
✓ Easy To Customize.
✓ Unlimited PC access
✓ Multi level Password protection.
✓ Individual access & user panel
✓ Full featured backup and restorations.
✓ Low cost & best support
✓ Customized reports.

Technical Features

➢ Language: Laravel PHP, HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, Jquery, Ajax, Vue js.
➢ Database: MySQL/ MS SQL Server.
➢ Development IDE: PHP Laravel, Vue js, MS SQL Server Studio.

Thanks for choosing us

We Are Expert In ERP Software Developments & Implementation. We Developed Responsive User Interface
System.Our Development Technology Is High Quality. Our implementing tools are ASP.Net Using C# MVC,
Microsoft SQL Server. We developed customize software as your requirement. We satisfy our customers beyond their
expectations. We have good understandable relationship with our clients. We are confident with our Quick Support
Team in automation of your organization.